10 Highly Effective Ways to Cool Down After Workout

Ajay Kumar
3 min readJul 2, 2021


How to cool down after a workout? Getting relaxed after a workout is as much important as getting the right diet after a workout because both will make you ready for the next workout.

And prevents you from side-effects of workouts so effective ways to relax after workouts are necessary.

Benefits of cooling down after a workout:

The aim of the cool-down is to promote recovery and return the body to its normal state.

During a workout, your body goes through a number of stressful processes; muscle fibers, and ligaments get damaged, and some waste products build up within your body.

Effective Ways to Cool Down After Workout:

So let me tell you 10 Highly Effective Ways to Cool Down After Workout, you might have heard about a few but others may be new to you.

1. STRETCHING to cool down after workout:-

Well, you all have heard about it. So I’ll not say much about it. But just remember one thing, stretching is the base to get your body relaxed properly and you can’t avoid it at any cost.

After strength training, HIIT, Advance Push-Up & Pull-Ups, or cardio, your muscles are warmed up so they’re more elastic and pliable. “This is when you’re going to see the benefits in flexibility,” says Burke.

“Stretching also relaxes the tension from the workout.”

Although stretching hasn’t been found to decrease injuries, it has been shown to decrease next-day soreness in hamstrings, quads, and calves.

“You’re technically supposed to stretch each of the major muscles with four reps at 15 to 60 seconds each,” says Comana. “But that could take about 40 minutes. Instead, you can get away with five to 10 minutes.”

Also Read, Skipping Rope: Health & Fitness Benefits, and Exercises [Review]

2. COOL DOWN after workout:-

“A sudden stop in physical activity can cause blood pooling in your legs, your blood pressure could drop and you could get dizzy,” warns Jenn Burke, a personal training manager at Crunch gym in New York City.

After a run, slow down your stride and walk for 3 to 5 minutes. Cooling down is also important after a strength workout.

After lifting, try doing some dynamic stretches such as walking lunges, stretching, or yoga poses.

“You want to bring your heart rate back down to a more calm state(normal state) — about 100 to 120 beats per minute,” Burke says.

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3. HYDRATE to cool down after workout:-

After an intense workout, you need to replenish water supplies in your body — this helps you to decrease muscle soreness and increase strength and flexibility.

How much liquid do you need after an intense workout?

Comana has a simple method for figuring that out: Weigh yourself before a workout, then weigh yourself when you’re finished workout.

The weight you lost is strictly the water weight. To replenish, you need to drink that same weight in liquids, plus 25 to 50 percent to make up for what you’ll going to lose in urine.

Also Read, Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration


It doesn’t matter what time of day you workout — morning, afternoon, or night — you should drink a protein shake after your workout to gain muscle.

“Do this 15 to 30 minutes after a workout, when your metabolic window is open,” says Burke. “This is the time when your muscles are more reactive to absorbing nutrients.”

A shake will put carbohydrates and protein back into your body muscles so they can rebuild and get stronger.

A good and effective recipe is about four grams of carbohydrates for every one gram of protein.

Also Read, Understanding Nutrition Data.

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