Overtraining: Signs, Cause, Prevention, And Solutions!

Ajay Kumar
3 min readJul 3, 2021


Overtraining definition: Overtraining means when we exercise too much without getting enough rest and recover our muscle breakdown. You need to know about Overtraining — Signs Cause Prevention Solutions to prevent overtraining.

It is most common in people who lift the high weight, but it also occurs in others who are physically active just like — Runners, Athletes, and also in Soldiers.

20 Signs of Overtraining:-

There are 20 signs of overtraining (overtraining effects) people suffer from. And from these, you can test yourself about overtraining syndrome test. Here you will know about all of them-

1. Muscle loss:-

Due to overtraining, you are unable to recover or repair your muscle breakdown. This will cause muscle loss (catabolism).

Overtraining decreases your metabolic rate. This will increase your fat gain. You are trying to gain muscle and lose weight but it happens in reverse.

2. Pain in joints:-

High training and lack of rest and recovery can cause pain in joints. Because continued exercise causes strain in joints.

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3. Difficulty in sleeping:-

When we sleep, this is the time of rest and recovery of muscle breakdown of our body. Overtraining increases the production of stress hormones.

This will increase the difficulty in sleeping. Less sleeping decreases the rest and recovery time. And muscle growth will decrease and our stress increases.

Causes of Overtraining:-

Like others, physical exercise may be chemically addictive. Overtraining mostly happens in people who do heavy exercise just like HIIT workouts, Cardio workouts, Running, and athletes.

Too much exercise to improve strength without rest and recovery time can cause overtraining.

How to Prevent Overtraining:-

To prevent overtraining, you need to take a rest after the workout to recover your muscle breakdown. Take a gape for targeting each muscle group.

Take a break between workouts when needed and keep a leap of around 30 seconds for the next type of workout.

Schedule rest days, On rest days you can do low-impact exercises just like yoga, swimming, and walking.

How to Recover from Overtraining:-

What are two things you can do to recover from overtraining? There are various solutions for overtraining check here-

1. Take Time Off:-

If you have an injury then you need to take time off until the injury gets well and you feel good.

A balance between stress (from competition, training, and life) and recovery is very important especially for athletes and people who do exercise with high weight.

Athletes are going to do a lot of exercises to achieve high performance, it is important to take a rest and if you are suffering from overtraining then it is mandatory.

2. Sleep More:-

Getting enough sleep is critical for recovery from stress and workout. But overtraining can make it difficult to sleep. You need to ensure you adequately recover from stress and overtraining.

High competition, heavy training, and real-life stress can reduce sleep hours and sleeping quality.

Along with improving your performance, strength, and stamina, it is also important to increase your sleep hours to reduce the risk of overtraining, stress, injury, and illness.

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3. Manage Life Stress:-

When you have too much stress in your life, then it will also affect your workouts.

Life stress just like increasing work hours, school exams, university exams, and assignments these can increase your life stress.

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